Announcements Podcast

New Project: WCAA Podcast


As lackluster as it may be, I personally found the name of my blog-turned-website too fun to let it go unused in some other capacity. To this end, I have started a pet project that’s been on the back burner for what seems like an eternity: an off-the-cuff, opinionated discussion of various anime titles along with my good friends.

The podcast itself, as with its tie-in to the blog, is very much a work-in-progress, so my apologies for the spontaneous nature of any future progress.

Special thanks to Paden and River for their time. I hope to have them both on additional episodes.

As with DYKA, I hope to use this platform to make updates known, but I recommend subscribing to the YouTube channel for best results.

The website here will be an ongoing WIP to make it a better platform for the podcast (but the blogging side of things won’t be going anywhere).

Thanks for reading, watching, and now, listening!

– J. G. Lobo

© 2015 (text and voices)

Update: Now available on iTunes!

About the author

J. G. Lobo

Another scholar who got tangled up in anime!