
Quick Update

Greetings, readership! I speculated in the last update post that, unfortunately, the output of the podcast and blog would likely plummet: well, so far it seems I was correct! But, while I was unable to finish editing for this month, I wanted to throw up a short post to say that a good friend of mine was able to chat recently, so a new podcast installment should be on its way soon. Is this a trick, or will it be a treat? (You know me well enough by now, right?)

Speaking of which, happy Halloween! There may not be a new Did You Know Anime? installment this year, but I won’t let that stop me from reminiscing with a few choice titles: Should I start with Durarara!! featuring The Anime Man? Or maybe Ghost Stories courtesy of the boys of Anime-BOM? I certainly can’t forget about last year when Soul Eater featuring Lord Death himself premiered on YouTube right on October 31st! Regardless, I intend to watch all three tonight for old times’ sake.

Everyone have a safe and fun Halloween!

– J. G. Lobo

© 2017

About the author

J. G. Lobo

Another scholar who got tangled up in anime!