Announcements Did You Know?

Anime-BOM and The Pulp Press (and DYKA)

I must say, 2016 is off to a chipper start for “Who Cares About Anime” as I have made some new friends with whom I have collaborated for cross-promotional purposes (and, of course, to have fun). First off, as you can probably tell from the link above, I have had the great pleasure of being a part of the semi-controlled chaos known on YouTube as the “Anime Box of Mystery” or Anime-BOM for short. (If you’ve beaten me to the punch, so to speak, you may have noticed that crew members Kyle, Caleb, and Tom have recently guest starred in the latest podcast episode.) The basic premise of this gem of a YouTube channel is a group of friends gathering together to watch lesser-known anime titles, all purportedly found within a mysterious box of assorted titles. It’s not exactly for the faint of heart, but if you’re ready to have your ribs tickled and your bargain-bin anime skewered, I couldn’t recommend them more: Anime-BOM is one of the funniest internet sources of anime-related content I’ve ever encountered. Why sit through hours and hours of mediocre anime when you can laugh along with somebody else doing the leg work? As put by Cheryl Cottrell-Smith of The Pulp, “let someone else do the watching.”

Speaking of…it has also been my pleasure to have recently become acquainted with the Editor-in-Chief herself: a writer, cosplayer, and general fan of all things anime, Cheryl was nice enough to allow me to contribute to her online magazine. Centered out of Edmonton, AB, The Pulp is an entertaining and informative resource for people interested in anime, manga, comics, video games, or cosplay regardless of where they may be geographically located. Here is my first contribution: a review concerning The Devil is a Part-Timer! (2013). Hopefully, it shall not be my last addition to this fantastic website.

My apologies for not updating the blog as of late concerning Did You Know Anime? installments! Since my last post (about Samurai Champloo, if memory serves), I have failed to carve out time to comment on all of our fantastic episodes—including not only juggernauts like ‘The Most Interesting Man in the World of Anime’ Paul St. Peter guiding us through Naruto or ‘The Dating Sage’ himself Spike Spencer showcasing Neon Genesis Evangelionbut also some of my personal favorites including Sinda Nichols of Bubblegum Crisis and the one-and-only Richard Epcar of Ghost in the Shell fame. Fortunately, if you’re subscribed to the YouTube channel (or follow on Facebook or Twitter), you’ll be good to go!

Many, many thanks to all of the wonderful human beings I’ve already mentioned for their willingness to collaborate with Michael and myself, and a big thanks to all of them for contributing to the fun of anime fandom as a whole. Thank you all who have supported us for these past years (my, how time really flies); as always, we hope to keep doing you proud.

Stay tuned for more Did You Know Anime? episodes, more guest-filled podcast installments, and many more written reviews, analyses, and general musings from yours truly this year…with any luck, it’s going to be one heck of a ride!

– J. G. Lobo

© 2016 (text)

About the author

J. G. Lobo

Another scholar who got tangled up in anime!