If ever there were a quintessential Millennial-centric anime, its name would be Shijō Saikyō no...
Author - J. G. Lobo
A Few Notes on Manovich
In his essay “Digital Cinema and the History of a Moving Image” film theorist Lev Manovich...
DYKA: Samurai Champloo
The latest installment of Did You Know Anime? spotlights the delightful fusion of history and...
Watamote (Unpopular Girl)
No matter how I personally look at it, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga...
Did You Know? DYKA has a Patreon!
After almost a year and a half of painstaking work (a labor of love, of course), DYKA creator...
Critical Analysis: The Legend of Black Heaven
“I’ve wondered if I will live to see the moment when accepted theories are shattered” (Hamil...
WCAA Special Topic: Favorite Music
In this special unnumbered episode, the cast lists five of their all-time favorite anime-related...
DYKA: Trigun
Season 2 of Did You Know Anime? has been concluded with a finale focused on the homage-laden...
(Belated) DYKA: Digimon
I almost find myself at a loss for words: it would seem that other matters at the tail end of 2014...
WCAA 05: Attack on Titan
In this episode, the cast talks about the 2013 smash hit Attack on Titan while pondering its...